
Hello, I want to generate leads for my new business; my website is brand new, and I don't have any reviews, testimonials, traffic or anything else. I'd like to know how I...

I'm working with a client on a content-based website. He outlined a strategy to use 200 redirects for primary keywords instead of 301s. He asked to Ensure all internal li...


Hi, I am using WordPress and Yoast SEO said the words in my page is less than 300. As this is the home page, it only contains some introduction...


Zero Traffic

by @seobaby (130), 2 years ago

My website suddenly went Zero Traffic today. Need to understand the reason. In past days I got 9 - 20 What could be the reason


I have a person profile page which covers things like Biography, Movies, TV, Family etc I have a title Actor Full Name Bio | Movies | TV | Family Would the | between ca...


I want to know more about the effective linkedin marketing strategies that we can use to increase brand awareness and user engagement

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pinki kumari

Hi, everyone I only heard about white hat SEO, I have been no idea about black hat SEO. Give me some ideas or opinions about black hat SEO, what is this?


This is my first post here, so please be kind :) Anyway, here is my case: A few months ago (in August to be exact) our ecommerce site underwent a massive change. Other th...


If someone is updating their product names on their website, and it is making their product URLs change too, there are 1000s of products so I can't check all of them manu...


Hello and thanks in advance. I'm well aware of the difference between the pros and cons of long-tailed vs. short-tailed keywords from an analysis standpoint of keyword va...