What does soft 404 error mean?
I see this quiet often in SEO discussions, blog posts, etc. Soft 404 error But what does that really mean? Is there an hard 404 too? How are these different?

Increasing number of indexed pages
My website consists of several hundred unique (product) pages. However, Google shows only 80-100 indexed pages. Is there any way to force Google to index all of the websi...

Search console website variations for redirects
Do I need to add http://www.example.com, https://www.example.com, http://example.com and https://example.com? I have all of these defined in nginx server and redirecti...

Is Let's Encrypt certificate equally good for SEO as any other certificate money could buy? I am about to launch my new website, but I am still not decided whether should...

Keyword rich URL – an SEO must-do or just an option?
I am curious, how big is the difference between keyword rich URL/URI and one made up from random sequence of characters, like product number/code. Does it matter enough,...

I read many opinions that search engines do not pass nearly any of main domain authority to a subdomain, because it's basically different domain. Some people say that sub...
Site Issues and Errors
SEO Forum has been developed by a bot human being. Bots People make mistakes. Therefore, seoforum surely has some bugs and eventually may throw an unexpected error or beh...
SEO Forum Feature Requests
Once again, welcome to SEO Forum! It's a pleasure for me to welcome you here, in our own tiny piece of the internet where we meet to brainstorm and exchange our experienc...