
Yes, the Link building will be relevant in 2020. It will play a big role in the digital promotion of any business. Link Building built credibility, and help your brand ra...


You said you wanted to display the preview size image to reduce page weight and increase page load speed. To avoid the near-term drop in traffic you would have to modify...


Latest posts done today, so I am taking it off the list... Also fixed User dropdown item Settings.

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@brucejonesseo but we are talking subdomain vs. completely different domain here. This is not vs.


Enable Browser Caching Enable Gzip Compression Remove Unnecessary Plugins Minimize HTTP Requests Enable HTTP Keep-Alive Minify JavaScript and CSS Files Optimize Your Ima...


Common sense dictates that a subdomain is likely to get some of the authority of the main domain due to its association with it, but obviously not all of the authority. A...


I think it's great because it will help users have a better idea of which sites are more relevant to what they are searching for.


there are lot of ways to recover from penality , remove bad links, give some quality links and then resubmit site.


@shane thanks for your answer. What exactly do you mean with 'preview image slug'? The URL when you click on the image?