
Improve your page loading speed Create High-Quality content Optimize your images Break up your content with header tags Start blogging Use outbound links Add more than te...


Seems like "several times per year" is the answer to your question, because no one really knows. Everything important is typically being announced here: https:/...

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Please, clarify your question. What do you mean? Schema.org?


There are many methods to increase website speed. Enable browser caching Enable Gzip compression Remove extra plugin Minify javascript and CSS file Optimize your images


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8 Topmost SEO Tips Know Your Customers Choose Keywords Wisely Develop Original Content Optimize Your Titles And Meta Descriptions Image Optimization Utilize Social Media...


Write naturally for the user. How-to guides and topics that answer questions are very popular.


Forget keywords. Think search intent. What does the searcher need? What can the search query tell you about their intent?