
I am looking for a website so i can analyse a website such as their backlinks, how many people can go on their website per day and mostly what country do people click on...


Hey, I work for a news website and we have a couple of articles that rank for really good keywords, but they keep on dropping ranks on Google. I was wondering if anyone k...


Hi there, we are looking for ways to get more people interested in our website. We have been trying all the different techniques we know but are unable to figure out what...

I scanned my site in screaming frog and the status is 200 but the site is not indexed. Write me a canonical, how do I arrange it?


The answer is in three categories; Page Load Time, Keyword Selection, & Content Creation. Page Load Time is the key to maintain your audience on-site, if your page lo...

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I run a small business and we ranked well for local keyword searches (usually in the top 3 spots). About 6 months ago we dropped to 5-6th and since then i have been tryin...


Recently, Google rolled out their new algo update. Later today, we are releasing a broad core algorithm update, as we do several times per year. It is called the December...


Hello, I'm new member here, hoping to get some help😳 So complete newbie to the SEO world, so please forgive me, for slightly "stupid" question.... "coff...


Hi Peeps, I recently noticed that my site's overall traffic is gradually decreasing although it is ranked in the first position. I don't know what's going on with Google...