
First of all Check your website completely that you Website has proper keywords. Check each and every page, add proper Keywords in Page Content, Meta Title and Descriptio...


If you have a WordPress Website, Install SEO Yoast Plugin and it will create a sitemap automatically. If you are working on different Technology, you can use Sitemap Crea...

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Search Engine Optimization is one of the techniques used to improve traffic to a website by obtaining a high-rank placement in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) such...


Thanks. And Change Frequency & Lastmode, I think If i make these disable are better.


As you said you don't have money and you don't want to do guest posting to increase website rank on google. I suggest you to make your website content attractive and you...


Depends how it's generated. If sitemap items are ordered by last modification, you will get your newest articles/pages first (or last), but it doesn't matter. There is no...


SEO off-page activity is the best way increase the Keyword ranking of website. Submit your site in popular Search Engine Manually. Do not go for automated submission. Pro...