Thank you everyone for your reply. I was hoping to tackle the issue of duplicate content using canonical links. But to my amateurish luck, I realized that the old page i...
What @jaap said - table of contents (better navigation) should help if your only concern is TLDR.
buid more backlinds.
A long text doesn't mean you should break it up into pieces. What is the benefit you try to achieve with this? What a long text need is an index after the introduction. S...
You should tell search engines that, URL is canonical to URLS, In this way, new pages will be ma...
Ignore my last post here, found the button last posts :)
Talking about updates. Active topics on top?
I see potential duplicate content issue there. Technically there is no reason to have two exactly same pieces of content living on two different domains. You either link...
My initial steps goes like this while looking on a webpage with SEO perspective, Page title to find the keywords targeted for the webpage On-page SEO applied for the tar...
I usually check authority of the website and where it comes from backlinks and backlinking opportunities index status speed (prefer as you can choose f...