Search console website variations for redirects
Do I need to add,, and I have all of these defined in nginx server and redirecti...
How to rank a site as a rich answer on Google?
For example, if you search Google for SEO checklist you'll likely see rich answer as I captured on the screenshot below. It's now pretty common top result for frequent...
Broken SERP after the Medic update on August 1st 2018
We still experience broken SERP after the Medic update. Positions go up and down, sometimes even more than one page away. I hear even worse stories from local seos. Is it...
August 1st Google Algo Update
Google has released a broad core algorithm update on 1st of August. This week we released a broad core algorithm update, as we do several times per year. Our guidance ab...
Possible algorithm update (January 2019)
I saw a significant change of behavior for my current project. I started the website mid November and have been slowly gaining traction. However, today I've jumped from 5...