Should tags always be indexed or not?
Hi, one question has always been on my mind. Unfortunately, there are many URLs on the webmaster’s account that are in the status section in the coverrage section:Exclude...
PPC stealing my traffic?
Hi all! One of my customers is running an aggressive PPC campaign centered on a major keyword which is also very important SEO wise( like, ten thoudand dollars a month ag...
Does anyone want to link my website
Hi all I am new to this forum and have been learning SEO myself. My business is about promotional products and gift&florist supplies search promotiongifts dot com dot...
We're moving our Joomla site to Shopify. The Joomla website has the URL and Shopify currently has and once the migration is complete we'r...
USA country rank not showing for the website
Hi Team, How to increase USA country rank. Can you guys guide us to improve the ranking. And how to increase domain ranking for above website.
Conversions in GA4 without amount
GA-4 set up for one of my stores is not functional. The amount of conversions is visible, however without the order amount. So practically useless... Anybody has any clue...
What important on page tasks you need to do in SEO?
What are some of the important on page SEO tasks that you must do for best or better optimization and to help rank a page? I would appreciate your validation on how relev...
Hi, we have an online store, which is specialized in products for Christmas. We started in 2018 and in 2020 we were able to get to the first position in the Google rankin...
Page duplicate nightmare. HELP!
Hello! I have been apart of an implementation of a website for an ecommerce company that used a building platform called "PartTrap". PartTrap specializes in dat...
Topical Authority
I have a website that is a topical authority in the container house sector. If I add a prefabricated house category to this site, will my ranked container house pages dro...