
Hello, For years I've been working on my URLs to prevent spaces. However it's time consuming when you have a lot of dynamic pages. I just stumble upon this URL of a well...


In the past links from social networks were marked as Referral, but now I have a big amount of Organic Social Traffic. Have you noticed the same on your websites?


Hello folks, I have a finance website with plenty of experts writing interesting forecasts, the traffic is good but the news section had very little content. We thought...


I'm creating a site based in the South East of England, but also with a location in the South West. What is the best option for SEO on each page? If I populate Title tag...


Hello everyone! I would like to know, how you deal with the meta tags of similar pages. For example, we have two pages of a mobile operator, one of which offers an inter...


Hi everyone! I built a free tool to use AI to find sites in your niche for guest posts. You just need describe your customer persona. No signup is required. You can check...

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I scanned my site in screaming frog and the status is 200 but the site is not indexed. Write me a canonical, how do I arrange it?


when I check the cached version of the site, it says "webcache.googleusercontent.com says: failed". It is showing the cached data but also this error. the websi...


Hey all! I'm currently managing a news website that focuses on internet culture and trends. Before Google's update last week, I had a couple of articles that were ranking...