
SEO and New Website Feedback - Self Produced SEO

by @brownstreesurgery (110), 4 years ago

Hi Guys

I’ve come across this forum whilst trying to find some SEO tips and improvements

I’m based in the Uk and I run a tree Surgery company. I’m looking to try and improve my search ranking for some specific terms.

My website is

I’m just looking for any feedback from someone with expertise to maybe see where I am going wrong or right.

I’ve started making location specific pages so that if you search for, tree removal Toddington, for example, that my pages comes up. The page for that result is:

I’m hopeing someone has the time to give me some feedback so that I can carry on rising in the google ranks.

I’m happy to do some dofollow backlinks to any of your websites that you might have too (if you can reciprocate)

Many thanks in advance.

Daniel Brown

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