
Hello friends, I have more than 30 keywords for the below website and I am checking the ranking of those keywords manually and this takes more time. So I'm looking for be...


Need an help

by @Shibis (116), 3 years ago

Hi, My company is from India. We are looking for global customers. On an SEO basis, Can I develop a new page for global clients? It means we need to focus on more keyword...


I have started the off-page activities for my website, but there's a constant question in my mind, that should i still do directory submission or not? Some sites say it i...


Hi, My site has 2 navigable homepages with no rel=canonical or redirect to one another. e.g. Homepage 1 = Homepage 2 =


Alexa of my website is decreasing day by day and DA is also not increasing. Can anyone tell me the problem after exploring my website Kindly...

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