
SEO Audit

by @dhimansaaba (112), 4 hours ago

How many ways to Audit a Website?


Hola foro, estoy creando mi primera web, y cada dia me surge un problema diferente, el problema que tengo ahora trata de que mi submenu de la cabecera queda opacada en cu...


Hey there, Junior SEO here so go easy! I've recently come across a mixed content issue with one of our clients - HTTP img files in the DOM. However, when I visit said uns...


I was wondering what is the actual pages of your website do you want and need google to crawl as i have 195 pages with low content but that comes from filter pages do i s...


Hello everyone! I am looking for answers for my website. Some pages (blog posts) have a bounce rate close to 0% while others (landing pages FB ads) have a bounce rate clo...


Hello, I have a client who would like to add the review schema for the products in their listicles (e.g. 10 Best Finds of Amazon for Women). I don't think they qualify as...

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Trying to confirm why I am seeing query strings at the beginning of sites domain within analytics reports? Ie, ?/https://domain.com and ?/https://domain.com=, I am assum...


What will be the impact in SEO If I have various URL for one product in ecommerce website. I have implemented canonical tag for all those URL. Please find the below examp...


Hello Experts Can you guys please suggest me website tools for creating High Quality backlinks for ( adult entertainment websites )


Hello We have a website that is based on JavaScript React (CSR) and we have encountered SEO problems. After that, we converted the pages to SSR, but we still did not rece...