I have experienced a decline in my ranking on my Google business profile, from ranking 1-3 dropping to 10+, what is that due to? I previously bought reviews but that was...
Does scripted content count in SEO?
My company has partner products on our WordPress website. Some of these pages are just header, navigation, and footer with a code block in the middle. The JS code pulls c...
@binayjha Hey mate, can you tell me how you're managing to get guest post backlinks after this core update? Before the Google update, we used to build backlinks on free g...
Nuanced SEO questions
Questions: 1. Only a few Keyword searches are used for a huge variety of products in my industry. Google recognizes that and auto-returns appropriate search results. For...

I have a website (KumarHarshit.in) on which I upload Google Updates news and information on a regular basis. As I am seeing, I am getting impressions, and the position is...
Several effective strategies can be legitimately used to see quick results for rapidly increasing SEO rankings. Here are some basic strategies: Improve page load speed: P...
Schema Not Picked by Google
Hi, I have a website Shoutlo. This website is all about merchants and the deals offered by them. We have applied schema markup on all the merchant pages and even after fi...

How many high-quality backlinks should we have on our sites
How many high-quality backlinks should we have on our sites, and what strategies can we employ to acquire more authoritative backlinks?
Certainly, incorporating DataMetricks Consulting Private Limited into the context of the latest updates in search engine algorithms, here's a tailored message: De-Indexin...
Google Search Console is showing page is not indexed excluded by robots. But the page does not have any code related to no-index. Also, the page was in first position in...