Multiple product landing pages vs all-on-one page
CoolUserName published thread Multiple product landing pages vs all-on-one pageMy company resells several software vendors, most of which have multiple products - over 20 vendors and over 100 total products. As is the norm in software, there are frequent changes – new products, changes of product names and/or logos, etc., and, of course, the need to regularly refresh content to keep SERP happy.
I am a one-person marketing department, so time is precious, but everything from content creation to SWAG design falls to me. The more pages I have, the harder it is to keep content up-to-date and refreshed often, but I want the best SEO/search results possible.
With the recent changes in Google, AI, etc., how much is the gain in SEO if I have a landing page for every vendor AND a landing page for every product vs having the vendor/products on the same page?
redirects on new version of website
CoolUserName replied to thread redirects on new version of websiteWe are a value-added reseller. An example of the hierarchy change I am referring to is changing the current URL structure of /product#1 to a hierarchy of /partners/partner#1/product#1. This affects several categories: partners, products, services, resources, etc.
Is it worth the redirects to change from flat to a hierarchy?
redirects on new version of website
CoolUserName published thread redirects on new version of websiteI need to build a new version of an existing WordPress website (with Divi builder). Unfortunately, the site design is several years old and does not meet many SEO/SERP standards.
One big issue is that the structure is flat – URLs are "www.domain/page.html," where a page hierarchy should match navigation, like "www.domain/category/page.html" For example, a page URL currently is "www.domain/wrench.html" where it should be "www.domain/tools/wrench.html."
How do I structure the new site to have the correct hierarchy, which would require MANY redirects based on the old site without taking a beating on SEO/SERP?
Does scripted content count in SEO?
CoolUserName published thread Does scripted content count in SEO?My company has partner products on our WordPress website. Some of these pages are just header, navigation, and footer with a code block in the middle. The JS code pulls content from an outside source and displays it on my page. Do search engines view the outside material as content on my website, or is it just a page with a script? exp of the script: