
Page was in First Position got de-indexed from Google and not getting Indexed

by @Nirmala (116), 3 months ago

Google Search Console is showing page is not indexed excluded by robots. But the page does not have any code related to no-index. Also, the page was in first position in Google Ranking, suddenly it got de-indexed. Kindly share your ideas on ranking the page again in Google Search Engine.

The below is the Google Search Console URL Inspection tool details. Google Search Console - Error Page is not indexed: Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag Last crawl - 11 Apr 2024, 07:31:16 Today is 18 April 2024 - Almost 7 days the page is not indexed in SERP. Share your ideas to rank the page in Google.

3 Replies
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by @binayjha (5139), 3 months ago

Please provide the URL.

by @Zinavopvtltd (215), 3 months ago

To address the "excluded by robots" issue, double-check your site's robots.txt file for any disallow rules, and ensure there's no meta noindex tag on the affected page or within your CMS settings.

by @harshit-kumar (-34), 2 months ago

Kindly Check Your Robots.Txt codes and MEta Robots Tag of that page. If you found "Noindex" tag then remove that.

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