
Use keyword planner, semrush and Ahrefs tool these are better option for you.


// Message deleted due to content duplicity. Please, Don't post same replies multiple times at multiple places on the forum. It doesn't make sense. If you need to, post l...


Never heard about it, but it does sound funny. Why would Google do that?

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Subdomain backlinks should count as links, however, they will have much lower value as they are biased in a way. That being said, it's atill a link, as subdomain content...


You can target the audience on facebook by optimizing it properly. Follow the tips to target the audience. Compile data on your current customers. Look to the website an...


SEO On-page optimization Title Meta description URL Structure Sitemap.xml Robots.txt 301 Redirection 404 Error page // Will remove such posts in the future. Please, do no...


Can you post a serp screenshot with the undefined slug? Can not find such case myself. Thanks


I think you should explain what do you mean by "one website with multiple domains". Are those domains redirected to a main domain? Are we talking about masking?...


Yes, It is good for SEO, but it can not help you in the ranking. If you are targeting other countries with domain Extention then it will help. Like Pinterest, Amazon


Use FB tracking pixel to identify your site audience and later only target this audience. It should convert much better, because they already know your site and brand.