@binayjha, you are right can see the content in the text-only version but the full version is 404. My concern is that, if it is right to do such an implementation, and ho...

Please remove "cache-control" content="no-cache from the webpage.

Go to the source URL of "makemytrip.com/hotels/". Then you will find: Remove it and then you can resolve these types of Problems.
Re: My competition has copied my domain name
I'd go with UDRP at WIPO: https://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/guide/
Consider trademarking your brand name and logo to protect your originality. In addition, we regularly monitor trademark infringements and take legal action when necessary...
Re: Best tool for keyword research in SEO
ahrefs is the best and leading tool for seo By ahrefs search for keyword query apply filter of word count min 4 lowest Dr 10 It will gather less competitive keywords
Re: My competition has copied my domain name
You can win the case as per copyright law. As, your content will be proved older than their content. You should consult your legal advisor.
I am able to see the text only version with content, http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.makemytrip.com/hotels/&sca_esv=e57395570566e...
Making adjustments to different parts on your website directly to increase its accessibility and relevancy to search engines is known as on-page SEO optimization. The fol...
Re: My competitor is pasting a domain to my site
What! How someone can update your web pages which are protected with Username and Password! 404 linked pages are harmful to SEO.