Hello We have a job portal. More than 5000+ new jobs posted and almost same remove When a job remove from our website then we do not show 404 error. We simply 301 redirec...
i have a website, it has https://, but if http:// is typed it does not redirect to https://, so my question is whether google considers this 2 urls as separate websites?...
We are currently deciding whether to use a subdomain, the same URL or a totally new URL for our new marketing company. We want to use blog posts that will get us visitors...
Domain Name Same but URL are Different?
Hello Everyone, I wanted to know if a Domain like (xyza.com and xyzb.com) with the same name but with a different Url is there and if the majority of the traffic of going...
Database of German websites
I need a large database with German informational websites of various kinds. Primarily interested in educational websites. Commercial websites of companies are not needed...