
Hi Friends, I am facing a 403 forbidden issue with the Search console after updating new products on the meganto2 eCommerce site and old links are disabled. Can someone s...


I truly hope you will not delete this one, but I found the article really helpful and it's from reputable SEO resource. This is great read and shows how this update hit d...


2 Days ago, my website was ranking on Google on 2nd position, on CDAP Digital Advisor, but now it's not, not even on the 10th page of Google. And if I re-arrange the keyw...


There are different types of tasks in SEO, but I want to know which is more beneficial.


Share the backlink techniques

Hello Everyone, I want to ask about the guidelines or I can say putting keywords into url, meta title & description and in the whole content while drafting a blog on...

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Hello Everyone! We, at Serpple - a keyword rank tracker tool that lets you track your keyword rankings in search results along with all the SERP insights are working on o...


Hello guys! I am a full-stack web developer. For the last few months, I have been learning about SEO, what is it, how it works, and why we need it. I also got to know abo...

Hi all, quick Q. Company I work for have a lot of good content that is gated that currently leads to a PDF. If I put the content from the PDF on a page, but still behind...


Hi Folks, Could you please suggest me? which link should be disallowed of the e-commerce site in the robots.txt file.