SERP 1st place conversion rate expectations
by @joao.antunes.mkt (128), 5 years ago
My name is João Antunes and I have a question for you!
Do you have any expectations for conversion rate when you have your ecommerce site ranking in very first position of SERP?
If you have specific information for Europe I would be very thankful.
by @shane (653), 5 years ago
~24% CTR for mobile and ~32% CTR for desktop for the top position.
Search for 'serp ctr by position' and you should find a number of studies.
by @joao.antunes.mkt (128), 5 years ago
Thank you! :)
by @shane (653), 5 years ago
No problem :)
by @Uniqartworks (105), 5 years ago
post removed