Help! Huge drop in coverage :(
Hi, I really hope someone can help. We have just noticed via Search Console that we have been having a huge drop in coverage with a funny pattern. The coverage passed fro...
Robots.txt and Sitemap Error
Google Search Console is indicating that my has been blocked by robots.txt file. While testing it, through the robots.text testing tool it says ALLOWED. Wondering why Go...
What to do with deleted product pages
I found a lot of deleted product pages in Google Search Console, what should I do? there are thousands
Do paginated pages need unique H1 tags?
I’ve been looking at this question for a while. And since it is SEO related, I thought I’d raise it here. In SEO WordPress tools we can add “Page 2 of 15” in the Title ta...
Ranking difference ahrefs and google search console
Have someone the same problem, that the rakings on ahrefs and google search console are showing quite different results and trends? If so, which source can we trust and...