Looking for a reviews service?
Hello Everyone, I am Andrew and I am looking for a Rating and review service for my website rep. building. I want constant flow of review on business listing sites like s...
Indexed, not submitted in sitemap
for some pages, the serach console shows me: Indexed, not submitted in sitemap can my site still be viewed on serp with no problem?
Page is not mobile friendly error
I received these 3 Issues Content wider than screen Text too small to read Clickable elements too close together
Clicks and Users.
I run ads on Facebook ads. There I get a lot of clicks but when I see the users count in Google Analytics, it is very less. I understand that clicks and users are two dif...
I have two pages on my website one is called /iPhone-8/ and the other is called /iPhone-8-plus/. They're meant to rank for keywords: iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. When sear...