Oct 14, 2019

How to rank a site as a rich answer on Google?

lishmaliny replied to thread How to rank a site as a rich answer on Google?

Identify Your Target Keywords. Get Your On-Page Optimization Perfect. Develop Your Content Strategy. Attract High Quality Links. Monitor Performance & Continue to Optimize Your SEO Efforts.

Oct 10, 2019

On page steps for ranking

lishmaliny replied to thread On page steps for ranking

Step 1: Choose a great domain name Step 2: Research the right keywords Step 3: Craft your content Step 4: Optimise your code Step 5: Technical setup Step 6: Earn links

How can you do SEO for a video?

lishmaliny replied to thread How can you do SEO for a video?

Do YouTube keyword research. Know your audience. Optimize your video title. Optimize tour video description. Feature a good video thumbnail. Add appropriate tags to your video. Promote and get more views for your videos.

How can I increase my site's Domain Authority?

lishmaliny replied to thread How can I increase my site's Domain Authority?

Step 1: Choose A Good Domain Name Step 2: Optimize Your On-Page Content Step 3: Create Linkable Content Step 4: Improve Your Internal Linking Structure Step 5: Remove Bad And Toxic Links Step 6: Make Sure That Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly Step 7: Become An Authority Within Your Niche Step 8: Increase The Loading Speed Of Your Webpages Step 9: Promote Your Content Via Social Media

What steps can Increase DA of Website?

lishmaliny replied to thread What steps can Increase DA of Website?

Step 1: Choose A Good Domain Name Step 2: Optimize Your On-Page Content Step 3: Create Linkable Content Step 4: Improve Your Internal Linking Structure Step 5: Remove Bad And Toxic Links Step 6: Make Sure That Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly Step 7: Become An Authority Within Your Niche Step 8: Increase The Loading Speed Of Your Webpages Step 9: Promote Your Content Via Social Media

How do I recover my website from Google penalty?

lishmaliny replied to thread How do I recover my website from Google penalty?

The best way to check if your website was penalized by an automatic penalty is to login to Google analytics and review your Google organic traffic. If you see a drop in traffic during the dates that Google released an algorithmic change, then most probably you were hit and that's the reason that your traffic dropped.

What does soft 404 error mean?

lishmaliny replied to thread What does soft 404 error mean?

A soft 404 is a URL that returns a page telling the user that the page does not exist and also a 200-level (success) code. In some cases, it might be a page with little or no content

Robots.txt and Sitemap Error

lishmaliny replied to thread Robots.txt and Sitemap Error

Blocked sitemap URLs are typically caused by web developers improperly configuring their robots.txt file.Check for any Disallow rules within your robots.txt file. The robots.txt file should be located in your root directory as follows: https://example.com/robots.txt

Oct 9, 2019

Which are best Profile creation sites help in SEO for Ranking?

lishmaliny replied to thread Which are best Profile creation sites help in SEO for Ranking?
  1. Enter Valid & True Information
  2. Focus on Quality Backlinks
  3. Build a Quality Profile One at a Time
  4. Contribute to the Platform
  5. Enter the Right Information
  6. Get Your Account Verified
  7. Use Branded Anchor Texts
  8. Enter the Required Information
  9. Include a Good Description 10.Don’t Forget to Press the Save Button 11.Let the Indexing Process be Natural

Can you people help me find the sites where I can submit my blogs?

lishmaliny replied to thread Can you people help me find the sites where I can submit my blogs?

Google Webmaster tool: This is an official tool by Google, where you can not only add your Website but also submit your sitemap to Google.

I need to find keyword search volume and CPC

lishmaliny replied to thread I need to find keyword search volume and CPC

1.Sign in to AdWords account. 2.Click the Campaigns tab. 3.Click the Keywords tab in the middle of the page.

Website page speed issue

lishmaliny replied to thread Website page speed issue

Google has indicated site speed (and as a result, page speed) is one of the signals used by its algorithm to rank pages.Page speed is also important to user experience. Pages with a longer load time tend to have higher bounce rates and lower average time on page

SEO - The Answer To The Problem of Business Rankings

lishmaliny replied to thread SEO - The Answer To The Problem of Business Rankings

1) Website Speed 2) Low Text-to-HTML Ratio 3) Broken Links 4) Errors in Language Declarations 5) Duplicate Content

SEO, on-page technical SEO

lishmaliny replied to thread SEO, on-page technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing phase. With technical SEO, you can help search engines access, crawl, interpret and index your website without any problems.




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