
Is it possible to rank my blogspot free subdomain on the first page of Google? Or am I wasting my time creating quality content?

My site has 30k canonical tag errors in google search console and all of them are like the below examples of AMP pages. Should I ignore them? Does it have a negative effe...


Some of my competitors rank for a keyword despite having low quality content. Is it because they have a lot of backlinks? Or topic authority?


Hi, I have a post. I use siteliner to check internal duplicate contents and find for this post, all the duplicate contents are the common items: Top menu items. Left pan...


Due to terms of use violation, your account has been suspended by Akismet Anti-Spam Plugin. whenever i go to social bookmarking and revisite site than i receive this erro...

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BING penalty

by @jaap (1667), 11 months ago

A client website has a Bing penalty. However I suppose he has. There's no notification in his webmaster tools. But no page is found anymore, only his business profile. Sp...


Hi, I have a number of Category and Category Pages (i.e. cat/page/1, cat/page/2 etc...) being "crawled but not Indexed" by Google. I have no issue with Google...


Bounce Rate

by @chau (110), 11 months ago

Hey guys! How are you doing? So i'm having trouble with the e-commerce of a client in the agency, the problem is his bounce rate went from 40% to 60% in may 31 and it's...


I've been doing SEO on my website for long time but rankings are not improving even my newly created blogs won't even show up in ranking i have done everything creating b...