
It looks like a matter of increased competition. Win some backlinks for the keywords to regain the top ranking across the Google databases. A backlink from regional sourc...


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Is there any way to recover traffic very quickly? with in month


Might take a month or so


Re: traffic recover

by @ms (4458), 4 months ago

I'd say a month as a minimum from my experience.


I checked all url structures are same, so how much time take to recover it ?


Re: traffic recover

by @ms (4458), 4 months ago

Properly redirect (301) old URLs to their new equivalents, update internal links, avoid redirect loops and make sure to let Google Search Console know as well - look up C...


so i have to wait for recover my traffic , or i have to do something ?


Re: traffic recover

by @ms (4458), 4 months ago

Google says it's quick, but in reality it takes from 3-4 weeks to several months. Make sure you did everything right, so at least you're not missing on your type-in traff...