Suggestion: Basic SEO vocabulary with brief explanation of terms
by @seoradar (266), 6 years ago
Can we have a thing like that? Could have many visits in the future, people are looking for basics all the time.
by @ms (4463), 6 years ago
I appreciate your content-driven idea, it does make sense, the only problem is - we need to write it down.
Let's use this thread to get together basic SEO terms that should be included on that page.
by @seoradar (266), 6 years ago
Just the basic stuff. I will try to put something together.
by @ms (4463), 4 years ago
Finally, we are working on it. First pages should air in less than two weeks.
by @pankajuplers (122), 3 years ago
Here you can find 100+ SEO terms, hope it can help SEO glossary