
How to rank website on Google?

by @digillex (132), 3 days ago

Tell me the priorities for the backlinks.

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ENoX SEO Solutions
by @ENoX SEO Solutions (105), 3 days ago

A back link is simply a link from one website to another. Search engines like Google use back link as a ranking signal because when one website links to another, it means they believe the content is noteworthy.

by @willchek (105), 2 days ago

You should prioritize getting backlinks from sites that already have organic traffic. You can check their traffic on semrush or ahrefs. You can also rely somewhat on their AS and DR metrics, but these are easier to fake.


To rank your website on Google, prioritize these backlink strategies:

High-Authority Sites: Secure backlinks from reputable, high-authority websites. Relevant Industry Sites: Get links from sites relevant to your industry or niche. Content Quality: Produce valuable, shareable content to attract organic backlinks. Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for authoritative blogs in your field. Diverse Link Profile: Ensure a mix of backlinks from different sources (blogs, forums, news sites). Local Directories: List your site in reputable local directories. Social Signals: Promote content on social media to drive traffic and links. Broken Link Building: Find and fix broken links on relevant websites with your content. Competitor Analysis: Analyze and acquire links from your competitors' backlink profiles. Maintain ethical practices to avoid penalties.

by @binayjha (5019), 2 days ago

Local directories should be the first priority for backlinks. Hunt for quality backlinks, the links from websites or web pages with similar content and having higher traffic.

by @MAazSEO (105), 23 hours ago

There are two main areas to focus on for ranking your website on Google: on-page SEO and backlinks.

On-page SEO involves optimizing your website itself for search engines. This includes using relevant keywords throughout your content, having a fast loading speed, and ensuring your site is mobile-friendly.

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your site. Google sees backlinks as a sign of trust and authority. The higher the quality and relevance of the websites linking to you, the better. Here are some priorities for backlinks:

  • Backlinks should come from websites in your niche or industry. A link from a cooking website will hold more weight for a recipe blog than a link from a car repair website.
  • Backlinks from high-authority websites (websites with a strong reputation and good SEO) are more valuable than backlinks from low-authority websites.
  • Don't get all your backlinks from the same few websites. Google wants to see a natural link profile.

Focus on building high-quality, relevant backlinks over a long period. Don't try to game the system with quick link-building schemes, as they can hurt your SEO in the long run.

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