How do I get my GMB profile force suspended??
Recent days we have started to get more negative reviews which in turn is affecting our sales, so we have planned to remove it. Tried remove option but the profile continued to appear on search results. Also tried posting content that violates google policies, only the content is getting removed, GMB is still active.

Mark place as closed/non-existent by one (or several) regular users
The help contact is very much accessible to any GMB user and they are very responsive and generous. I had chances to interact them multiple times for various issues.
I did that once and I was able remove the listing myself. Can't recall what was the exact sequence of steps taken, but I remember I was do that from my GMB account. That was roughly two years ago, not sure if anything changed in the meantime.
Let's try this: settings -> advanced settings -> remove listing -> confirm listing removal
I am not sure if you can contact live support at Google, but search through their forums could possibly help.
Contact the support for the concern, they can certainly help you in this regard.