My Website is not Index on Bing
My website is successfully index on google but not being index on Bing search engine. previously it was index but now they deindex. I tried Bing webm...
XML Sitemap Question...
Hi there, Our robots.txt file currently lists the path to our XML Sitemap. We also have a link to the sitemap listed in our global footer. QUESTION: Is there any SEO ben...
I could use some advice. I launched "" (not the real domain name) as a bookselling site in 2000, but over the years, we added a lot of articl...
Ranking difference ahrefs and google search console
Have someone the same problem, that the rakings on ahrefs and google search console are showing quite different results and trends? If so, which source can we trust and...
My Website is not showing up in the google ?
Its been a year my Website is not still showing up in the google. What might be the issue? we have follow all basic correctly but still is not showing in google. But my s...