Editing old content, making it more seo friendly
Noah Miller replied to the thread 6 years ago
NEVER f-around with google when it comes to content manipulation and visitor misleading. Google knows exactly how to identify such practice for a looong time. Keep making...
Site Issues and Errors
Noah Miller replied to the thread 6 years ago
Default Sort replies: says Chronological, but I think it should be oldest first. Now you have newest reply on top.
2018 major seoforum rewrite
Noah Miller replied to the thread 6 years ago
I like the changes. Good to see blogposts coming. Also password reset is a must. Keep up the good work.
Google increased length of snippets
Noah Miller replied to the thread 7 years ago
I don't see any changes yet. The numbers are about the same, including CTR. Maybe it needs some more time.
Site Issues and Errors
Noah Miller replied to the thread 7 years ago
Categories were messed up a little bit, but it looks alright now. Maybe it's been already fixed? Other than that, it looks good to me. Good work guys!