Oct 12, 2023

Listing within Main Listing Ranking above the Main Listing.

kailashhc published thread Listing within Main Listing Ranking above the Main Listing.

One of the google business profile listing with the name of "Blood Bank Kailash Hospital" which is located within a main listing is showing above the main listing. Main Listing name is "Kailash Hospital & Heart Institute". When a user search for the hospital name Kailash Hospital, Blood Bank Kailash Hospital appears first above the main listing and sometimes main listing doesnt appear. What should i do?

Mar 4, 2023

Merging 2 Google Business Profile Listing Possible?

kailashhc published thread Merging 2 Google Business Profile Listing Possible?

I have 2 verified listings on my account.

Business 1 Business 2

Business 1 has around 1k reviews and Business 2 and only 50 reviews. I want to merge both and want to show Business 1 and reviews should also be added which means (1000 rev + 50 rev) 1050 reviews.

I want to know, what is the procedure to do that?

Or is there any other solution?

Nov 17, 2022

PLZ Help! Sudden Drop in Ranking, Traffic & Clicks

kailashhc replied to thread PLZ Help! Sudden Drop in Ranking, Traffic & Clicks


Thankyou for your response!

> This trend is evident every year from middle of October to first week of January.

Its totally depend on the niche, our industry is in healthcare sector and targeting nationally.

PLZ Help! Sudden Drop in Ranking, Traffic & Clicks

kailashhc published thread PLZ Help! Sudden Drop in Ranking, Traffic & Clicks

During June 2022, We redesign our website without proper technical SEO audit or technical SEO implementation. Previously we were having 300+ .apsx pages and after redesign we changed url pattern. Without any redirection. Now we are using urls without .aspx.

For example, old url is abc.com/page.aspx and new url after redesign is abc.com/page. But this is not the only issue we were having....

After redesign, Our website were having lots of SEO issue which were not resolved before launching new design. Some are:

  • Website were opening in both version https & https (resolved in SEP 2022)
  • Website all pages were having duplicate title & description (resolved in SEP 2022)
  • Website is opening in both version WWW & NON WWW (Still not resolved)
  • Old .aspx urls not redirect to new version pages (resolved in NOV 2022)

Google analytic showed normal drop in traffic & Google search console showed normal drop in clicks & impression during June 2022 - July 2022.

During June 2022 - July 2022, again we were going up...there were increase in clicks & impression..our ranking also improved. (Note: Website issue still not resolved during this period.)

During July 2022 - August 2022, again we were going up...there were increase in clicks & impression..our ranking also improved. (Note: Website issue still not resolved during this period.)

During August 2022 - SEPT 2022, we were stable...not much we go up nor down. (Note: Website issue still not resolved during this period.)

During SEPT 2022 - OCT 2022, we were going down drastically...our website traffic also goes down, search clicks & impression also goes down, ranking also dropped. (Note: Some Website issue were resolved during this period.)

I thought we would see negative impact (not implementing technical SEO Points before website redesign) from June - July period onwards but during that time we were going up.

Would that be the reason for drop in ranking, traffic & clicks during SEPT 2022 - OCT 2022 that we still not properly implemented technical seo points completely or is there any other reason.

Kindly anybody help me to explain..

Nov 3, 2022

How to remove a social media profile from google business listing?

kailashhc replied to thread How to remove a social media profile from google business listing?

What are you saying, pal? This will remove complete google business profile listing. I just want 1 social media icon to remove... thats it

Nov 2, 2022

How to remove a social media profile from google business listing?

kailashhc replied to thread How to remove a social media profile from google business listing?

There is no option to delete/update the social profile from Google Business admin dashboard.

How to remove a social media profile from google business listing?

kailashhc published thread How to remove a social media profile from google business listing?

I want to remove one of the social media profiles (LinkedIn) from My Google Business Profile listing because it show wrong profile. I tried to contact GBP support but they failed to resolve this issue.

![enter image description here](https://storage.googleapis.com/support-forums-api/attachment/thread-186808397-12979652109817211688.png "enter image title here")

I also removed LinkedIn url from my organization schema code in the website but still my issue didnt resolve.

So, I hereby, I asking help from this forum.




My BIO is empty. Try checking my profile later.

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