
How to remove a social media profile from google business listing?

by @kailashhc (196), 1 year ago

I want to remove one of the social media profiles (LinkedIn) from My Google Business Profile listing because it show wrong profile. I tried to contact GBP support but they failed to resolve this issue.

enter image description here

I also removed LinkedIn url from my organization schema code in the website but still my issue didnt resolve.

So, I hereby, I asking help from this forum.

6 Replies
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by @ms (4057), 1 year ago

I am pretty sure I removed company profile in the past. You need to own it (obviously) and should be able to delete the profile from your Google Business admin dashboard.

I remember the process was pretty straightforward.

by @kailashhc (196), 1 year ago

There is no option to delete/update the social profile from Google Business admin dashboard.

by @kailashhc (196), 1 year ago

What are you saying, pal? This will remove complete google business profile listing. I just want 1 social media icon to remove... thats it

by @ms (4057), 1 year ago

Sorry @kailashhc misread your question.

The only way you can affect social icons is:

If you find a social profile in your Business Profile that isn’t related to your business, you can request to have it removed by clicking Feedback in the bottom right corner below the Business Profile.

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