
My website is not getting enough organic traffic

by @franklin (118), 1 year ago

Why is my website

not getting expected traffic even after being ranked in Google search page? Can any one suggest what should i do.......

3 Replies
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MSI Digital
by @MSI Digital (105), 1 year ago

Hi there. Which tool are you using to check traffic? Sometimes they take time to refresh data or show it. Also check your bounce time and try to reduce it

by @binayjha (5139), 1 year ago

The website requires attention for both on-page SEO and off-page SEO to achieve the traffic goal. The website still has to win the trust of Google for the keywords. It is under consideration right now. SEO has to be applied to fill the gap of trust.

by @Gamerseo (1330), 1 year ago

It is imperative to invest in seo. You have to get the knowledge yourself or outsource it to an external company. Without it, there will be no satisfactory results.

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