
Multiple product landing pages vs all-on-one page

by @CoolUserName (145), 1 month ago

My company resells several software vendors, most of which have multiple products - over 20 vendors and over 100 total products. As is the norm in software, there are frequent changes – new products, changes of product names and/or logos, etc., and, of course, the need to regularly refresh content to keep SERP happy.

I am a one-person marketing department, so time is precious, but everything from content creation to SWAG design falls to me. The more pages I have, the harder it is to keep content up-to-date and refreshed often, but I want the best SEO/search results possible.

With the recent changes in Google, AI, etc., how much is the gain in SEO if I have a landing page for every vendor AND a landing page for every product vs having the vendor/products on the same page?

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by @binayjha (5889), 1 month ago

It will look better to users if each vendors will have their own landing pages. This will be liked by search engines too in terms of rankings. So, the page navigation structure of product1 of vendor1 should be like,

Home >> Software Products (list of vendors) >> Vendor1 >> Products by Vendor1 >> Product1 Page 

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