Indexation Issue
Indexation Issue (Event post with gallery is not index but the envira url is index by google) This is the event post url "abc. com/boogies-4-babies/". it's featured image is index but gallery of this post not index. we are using Envira Gallery for our images " /boogies-4-babies/" here is envira gallery url. We use the envira gallery images in event by using their shortcode in event post. Problem is here that Event post the gallery is not index. while we submit envira and event url to search console then google fetch envira url for gallery and in eevent only featured image is index. We want to index the Event post with gallery in Google. Kindly help me and give your suggestion.

First, check your robots file. Then review your landing page to ensure you haven't used a noindex or nofollow tag.
robots is clear. and there is no noindex tag found on it