How to file a complaint with Blinkit
You can contact Blinkit customer service to file a complaint by calling +8919-756-438-emailing, or filling out a form. You can also file a consumer complaint with Vakilsearch.
You can contact Blinkit customer service to file a complaint by calling +8919-756-438-emailing, or filling out a form. You can also file a consumer complaint with Vakilsearch.
You can contact Blinkit customer service to file a complaint by calling +8919-756-438-emailing, or filling out a form. You can also file a consumer complaint with Vakilsearch.
You can contact Blinkit customer service to file a complaint by calling +8919-756-438-emailing, or filling out a form. You can also file a consumer complaint with Vakilsearch.
You can contact Blinkit customer service to file a complaint by calling +8919-756-438-emailing, or filling out a form. You can also file a consumer complaint with Vakilsearch.
You can contact Blinkit customer service to file a complaint by calling +8919-756-438-emailing, or filling out a form. You can also file a consumer complaint with Vakilsearch.
You can contact Blinkit customer service to file a complaint by calling +8919-756-438-emailing, or filling out a form. You can also file a consumer complaint with Vakilsearch.
You can contact Blinkit customer service to file a complaint by calling +8919-756-438-emailing, or filling out a form. You can also file a consumer complaint with Vakilsearch.