Google search console Indexing issue
by @Kruthika (130), 1 month ago
Hi ,
I'm facing indexing issue after algorithms update. if i submit manually for indexing it's not happening , any idea how to resolve the issue
by @ms (4458), 1 month ago
Any details to your issue?
by @Kruthika (130), 1 month ago
Now I'm seeing many page soft 404, Excluded by no index, currently not indexed, same robots.txt i'm using
by @Kruthika (130), 1 month ago
Any suggestion please let me know
by @ms (4458), 1 month ago
Idk, maybe check your robots.txt if you have anything disallowed. Also check explicit HTML noindex (by tag meta name="robots" content="noindex"). If none of the above, it could be caused by canonicals.
Soft 404 means deleted content in most cases. Any content removed lately?