
google indexing/ looking for recommendation/ help me to do audit of site.

by @juke2 (14), 2 years ago

my question is about google indexing. How to index website content using a search console? recommend me some best SEO tools as I am new in this field. Can someone help me by doing an audit of my client site.?

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by @zaryabkhan (105), 2 years ago

How to get indexed by Google?

Go to Google Search Console. Navigate to the URL inspection tool. Paste the URL you'd like Google to index into the search bar. Wait for Google to check the URL. Click the “Request indexing” button.

Number 2: Create a Sitemap. As the name implies, a sitemap is a map of your site. ... Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console. Now that you've created a sitemap, you'll need to submit it to Search Console. ... Create robots. txt. ... Create internal links. ... Earn inbound links. ... Encourage social sharing.

by @AronYakov (45), 2 years ago

Simply go to the webmaster tool, then navigate to the URL inspection tool. Past the URL. Also Create sitemap, so that google easily crawl your links. About site audit, you can do it on free tool, Name - SEO Site Check Up, Spifu, SEO Optimizer.

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