Dips in Google Search Console Ranking Graph concerning our main page Keyword
Im working on SEO for a coaching page. We rank second place with our main page on our main keyword. For a few months we tried to go to Nr. 1 now. But the question is rather connected with the Search Console Analytics. Actually, for years the ranking didn
t change much in the graph. But since about 2 months every now an then theres a big dip for about one day. It goas from 1,4 to something between 17 and 20. Then the next day it
s back up again.
My questions are: Is there a clear reason for these dips? Can this somehow be changed? Do I have to be concerned about these dips or won`t they change much? Can these dips have an influence on long-term ranking?
Thank you and if you need a more clear explanation of my situation feel free to ask.

Probably just google updates.
Have you been building backlinks?