Can anyone tell me which tool is better and free?
Hello friends,
I have more than 30 keywords for the below website and I am checking the ranking of those keywords manually and this takes more time. So I'm looking for better and free tool to check the keyword's position on Google.
If anyone knows, please help.
You can just signup for a free trial on ahrefs
Exactly ^
I think Ahrefs will help not just for checking ranks but they also have much more data to work with.
But never forget to first choose the right domain
Ahrefs is my favorite tool so far. It can do so many things beyond keyword research, you can sign up for a week trial and see from there.
Ahrefs is paid. The free trial also requires the card details
See here:
You can only information exchange for a free preliminary on ahrefs
Why not use the Keyword Planner within Google Ads? I use it in combination with Keshoo, also free, to determine the right keywords for Google's See, Think, Do Care phases
If you haven't noticed yet, Zutrix is running their Ad campaign here on SeoForum. Definitely check them - should be exactly what you're looking for.
Rank Tracker is most suitable I think. you can use it free.