Need help creating a package

shwetakaushik replied to the thread 2 years ago

Hi, if you have basic knowledge of SEO and you want to sell SEO work then gain expertise first in what you know. You can divide the SEO packages into three parts i.e. sil...

Can I use the same keywords in multiple articles?

shwetakaushik replied to the thread 2 years ago

There should be no issue in ranking the articles if keywords are similar and the content is unique. You can describe the functionality of software by altering the sentenc...

How to fix image next to google search result

shwetakaushik replied to the thread 2 years ago

Hi Rich, If you have a WordPress website, then there comes a plugin that automatically fixes the alt tags for images. I will suggest you; put the image alt tags at the sa...

How to fix image next to google search result

shwetakaushik replied to the thread 2 years ago

Google has not provided any guidelines related to the thumbnail image. There is an option to set a default featured image for social media by putting its URL in og tags....

Does SERM impact on Domain Trust?

shwetakaushik replied to the thread 2 years ago

I must say Yes, SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management) impacts domain trust. Google and other search engines always want to return the highest quality results to thei...




Hi, I'm Shweta, a digital marketing expert since 2012. I have my expertise in content marketing, SEO, Google ads and social media marketing.

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