Feb 15, 2022

Will it be useful to break keyword in building links?

alan replied to thread Will it be useful to break keyword in building links?

They use "pst recovery" together with "pst" and "recovery"

Feb 9, 2022

Will it be useful to break keyword in building links?

alan published thread Will it be useful to break keyword in building links?


We hire a SEO company. Our target keyword is "pst recovery". The SEO company builds backlinks with anchor texts which is mixed of the following:

  • "pst recovery"
  • "pst"
  • "recovery"

When I ask them why they use "pst" and "recovery" instead of "pst recovery", they said breaking keywords will also work. Is that correct?

Jan 7, 2022

Should I use H1/H2 or H3 for headings in category page?

alan replied to thread Should I use H1/H2 or H3 for headings in category page?


Thank you very much. I have just updated my post with the image, since this is a category, should I change the title to H1 or H2?

Jan 5, 2022

Should I use H1/H2 or H3 for headings in category page?

alan published thread Should I use H1/H2 or H3 for headings in category page?


In my category page such as


I list out several articles with their titles(in H3 tag) and their excerpts. Ahrefs reports that this page missing H1 tag.

So, what should be the best practice for such a category page, should I change all H3 tag to H1 tag, or just to H2 tag?

See below: ![enter image description here](https://www.datanumen.com/temp/images/2022-01-07_11-42-40.jpg "enter image title here")

Jan 4, 2022

Should I replace all redirection to the final destination URL?

alan published thread Should I replace all redirection to the final destination URL?


I have an old website. Now I upgraded to a new site. Then, I add redirecitons to redirect the old URLs in the old site to the new URLs.

I think all set. But the SEO company said I need to replace all instances of the old URLs with new URLs in all webpages. That is a huge task as there are many instances.

So, I just wonder whether it is necessary to do so. Are there any benefits? Also later if I upgrade my website again, then need I change the URLs again?

Dec 30, 2021

Skyscraper SEO, do I need to pay for backlinks?

alan replied to thread Skyscraper SEO, do I need to pay for backlinks?


They said they obtain backlinks, by:

  1. Outreach to webmasters via Skyscraper technology.
  2. Then pay webmasters to get links.
Dec 26, 2021

Skyscraper SEO, do I need to pay for backlinks?

alan published thread Skyscraper SEO, do I need to pay for backlinks?


I am studying the Skyscraper SEO at https://ahrefs.com/blog/skyscraper-technique/. It said "Ask those linking to the original piece to link to your superior content instead.". In the actual practice, need I pay them so that they will link to my content?

Currently I am hiring a SEO company and they said they are using Skyscraper technology. And they said we need to pay extra to the webmasters, to get the backlinks, other than the service fee paid to the SEO company.

Re: Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?

alan upvoted Re: Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?

I have same experience across multiple niches as @jaap.

It also depends on the domain (how credible the website in general is). Specially from the start - when you publish new page. If Google previously had good success serving your pages, even with 10 word content, they are likely to push your new page much higher, even without any real world data for the page itself.

Re: Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?

alan upvoted Re: Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?

You don't have to agree. I've several nr. 1 postions with pages like this.

If your page is technical optimised, gives the best answer to a question and has enough good backlinks it works.

Re: Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?

alan upvoted Re: Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?

If you can explain in 10 words what you offer on the homepage, 11 words are too many. The visitor's intention is to find the right information. If you offer it, it will be good.

Just make sure that visitors from the homepage click through to the next page for more information, or for the product. To avoid bounces.

Google will then see that you have a low bounce rate and will rank you higher in the search results.

The only drawback of low content is the low dwell time.

Nov 29, 2021

Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?

alan replied to thread Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?

@Gamerseo (145),

Thank you very much. Yes, I just put more contents for in the product page, such as


However, for the homepage, how to make up more contents naturally?

Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?

alan published thread Where to add more contents to hompage to make it not "thin contents"?


I am using WordPress and Yoast SEO said the words in my page


is less than 300. As this is the home page, it only contains some introduction texts. I check each section but cannot find a place where I can put more contents. If I do, then the full of words will affect both the visitor reading and the visual effects.

So, my question is, ask for suggestions that can increase the words while also keep the page looks professional, not full of words make the visitor overwhelming.

Thank you very much.

Mar 2, 2020

Will the trailing extra space in anchor text cause any problem in SEO?

alan published thread Will the trailing extra space in anchor text cause any problem in SEO?


I hire a SEO professional to do SEO for my website. Recently, I find in some of the links he built, the anchor text containing an extra trailing space.

For example, my keyword is "repair file", but the anchor text in the link will be "repair file ".

WIll that cause any problems in SEO effect?





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