Nov 27, 2022

Re: I compressed the images CSS with WP-Optimize it is ok deactivate the plugin to speed up?

Baskey82 upvoted Re: I compressed the images CSS with WP-Optimize it is ok deactivate the plugin to speed up?

If a plugin loads when a webpage load then only the load-time speed will be effected. For example, Form 7 plugin loads with the load of contact form load in a webpage. In your case, plugin is not loading with the webpage. So, there won't be any impact on speed of the webpage loading whether that plugin gets activated or not.

Though a WordPress developer might have a better idea to speed up the website.

I compressed the images CSS with WP-Optimize it is ok deactivate the plugin to speed up?

Baskey82 upvoted I compressed the images CSS with WP-Optimize it is ok deactivate the plugin to speed up?

I Optimized Html & CSS code and images sizes in wordpress with the help of WP-Optimize plugin so because of the plugin is active the http request is taking lot of time. my question is if i deactived this wp-optimize plugin it will change the effect on the performance of the website

SEO Forum Feature Requests

Baskey82 upvoted SEO Forum Feature Requests

Once again, welcome to SEO Forum!

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I will personally try to go through all of your requests, and prioritize them according to how you upvote.

Don worry to post anything. Really.

Re: Which Backlinks I do first for SEO?

Baskey82 upvoted Re: Which Backlinks I do first for SEO?

Thank you, @seoradar for your beautiful suggest.




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