
Why my site many pages not index? Google Search Console show crawled currently not index

by @couponstore (120), 1 year ago

my site is a php lavarel site, we check many places including tech and SEO, also can't find the problem where it is? My site URL is couponstore, can anyone tell me why my site is always not indexed, I check each page with no problem.

4 Replies
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by @yashbisht (120), 1 year ago

Please DM on iyashbisht i can fix free

by @Gamerseo (1330), 1 year ago

Indexing may take a while. Be patient.

by @EricaWalters (110), 1 year ago

some pages are indexed faster than others. wait a bit and continue working on the site

by @satyaprakash (145), 1 year ago

Check weather the url's are in sitemap or not! If not then add them in the sitemap and submit for the indexing. Or If present in the sitemap, then resubmit for indexing

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