Which one of the following websites tends to rank higher?
by @KinexMedia (120), 2 years ago
a) Small Website - Where a simple layout exists, and page length is shorter.
b) Giant Website - Where complex scripting, animations, headers and footers are used. Along with that, Page Length is Lengthier.
by @Gamerseo (1335), 2 years ago
This is just one factor that you analyze. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally.
by @ms (4463), 2 years ago
No correlation there. Focus on what really matters. The core.
Pixel length of a page means nothing, unless it causes bad user experience.
by @kaaya149 (88), 2 years ago
Thanks for sharing this.
by @binayjha (5929), 2 years ago
I am assuming the lengthier web page means lengthier relevant text and other content. This will make the ranking chances pretty higher.