
What does it mean?

by @singhadvbhupinder (114), 2 days ago

Hello, When we check or research keywords for new websites in ahrefs tool. it tells us that the keyword's difficulty and search volume and the need for backlinks to keyword rank. is it right? tool is telling that only 4 backlinks are enough to rank this website? , which means we need only 4 backlinks. What does it mean?

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by @binayjha (5019), 1 day ago

That is the SEO recommendation based on top 10 ranking analysis. This recommendation is just an idea and may not be always accurate. It's worth trying.

Eldar Cohen
by @Eldar Cohen (125), 13 hours ago

Hey there,

When you're using tools like Ahrefs to research keywords for your website, they give you info on things like how hard it is to rank for a keyword (that's the keyword difficulty) and how many people are searching for it (that's the search volume). They also mention how many backlinks you might need to rank well.

Now, about needing only 4 backlinks to rank — here's the deal: Ahrefs might show a low keyword difficulty for some keywords, suggesting you might need fewer backlinks compared to more competitive ones. But it's not just about the number of backlinks; it's about their quality.

Quality matters big time. It's better to have a few backlinks from trustworthy and relevant websites than a bunch from random places. Good backlinks help search engines see your site as trustworthy and authoritative.

So, while Ahrefs can give you a rough idea, ranking well in search engines is about more than just hitting a specific number of backlinks. It's about creating awesome content, making your website easy to use, and getting respected sites to link back to you naturally.

Hope that makes sense! If you have more questions, feel free to ask.

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