Some Questions About Some Odd SEO Behaviour
Two questions:
Today I did a search for SEO Calgary and came across this flaming trash pile of a SEO page... but it ranks #1
It's basically just a really long form page of content that has a horrible user experience. The content itself, is so so, near as I can tell... Google is ranking it because it's on their domain and it has a ton of content?
My second question, my website here
took a bit of a hit in the last algorithm update. Now, I think I know why and have been working to correct the issue, but for some reason, I can never get Google to rank my own SEO Calgary page.
Does anyone have any insight they could share as to why Google seems to ignore them? My other SEO location pages see to rank alright, just not this one?
It looks content should be improved to improve your chances to rank. The ranking page has a better content and looks like a resourceful page. Google might have been confused and finally has given the rank.
Yeah, the ranking page is quite detailed. Though it does seem odd that Google would rank that sort of layout of content.
Google bot is a software only. You can see the Google cache that how it has read the page. Yes, it is strange!
The page is loading slowly. eat too much content on your home page. The texts are underdeveloped. There is a lot of work ahead of you.