
Seeking SEO expert for adult sites (I offer 50% earnings)

by @pornupdate (148), 4 years ago

I have been creating/managing adult sites for a few years now as a hobby/second job/test area. For a few years the work was little and now covid lockdown has destroyed that little work was left, so these sites too have become a good opportunity to work.

There are about 50 websites all between 10 (new sites) and 1000 visits per day. All the sites are fully customized, handmade, I'm a php-mysql programmer and I've written every single line of code, no wordpress, plugins, widgets or similar (I hate them). The sites are of different types: gallery-TGP, tube site, blog, feed site, search sites, etc.

The sites are good, the test results speak for themselves. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

But today this is not enough, need SEO, but SEO sucks to me and I have neither the desire nor the time to do it. Everyone tells me I need backlinks, I've been trying to do link building for a few months, they've deleted my links, deleted comments, blocked and deleted accounts in forums and tube sites, etc. etc. etc. I hate SEO and it sucks me.

So I'm looking for someone (expert) who wants to take over the SEO of my sites, not for free, but not for millions.

The current economic situation of my websites is almost tragic, pop-unders earn about $30 a month, and I spend $25 for the server on vultr, the few affiliations pay for domain renewals. So, the sites work and run on their own, but there is no serious profit.

So we start from scratch, and what I can offer is 50% of everything you can earn with your SEO. If you make websites earn $100, you make $50, if you make websites earn $1,000,000, you make $500,000.

I am looking for a "serious, transparent" and profitable collaboration, I want to know what you do, why you do it, how you do it, on which of my websites you are working on, etc, I want to understand/learn and have at least an idea of what you are doing on my sites, but I don't want to do it... SEO sucks me.

I need someone to take care of SEO, and what I can offer are my websites and my skills and create tools and applications to simplify your work.

For example some of my sites are "search sites", doing a search on one of these sites will show the results in all my other sites. The idea when I created them was to index these well and together with them increase the visits of all my other sites, but only with natural indexing it doesn't work. But it might be interesting to work on the SEO of these sites and working on one, work and increase the visits of all the others...

I have full access to databases, code, and I know every single line of code on my sites, so I can create any tool that is useful to increase results and simplify your work.

Here you cannot publish links, images or other references to adult sites, so if you are seriously interested, let me know, I will send you the complete list of sites organized by type, with statistics, seniority, domain authority, etc. etc. etc.

We can talk about it in PM or skype, etc, but I prefer to write because I'm Italian and my English sucks... and I often use translators to make sure I understand what you are saying and tell you exactly what I mean...

9 Replies
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by @minddigital55 (120), 4 years ago

Hi, You can hire a freelancer for it. It helps to save money and work on your project with dedication.

by @pornupdate (148), 4 years ago

30$ month, 25$ for the server... no money for hire a freelancer...

by @ms (4463), 4 years ago

If you don't have money to hire someone, the only way is to learn basic SEO stuff yourself and spend your own time on optimization.

by @pornupdate (148), 4 years ago

Why don't work for 50% ???

by @robertmiler (110), 4 years ago

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by @pornupdate (148), 4 years ago

It seems to me that everyone wants a salary ... but I don't understand why ... I expect so much more than a stupid, poor earnings salary with the potential of the adult industry. Why would anyone prefer a meager salary rather than 50% of potential earnings? The first answer that comes to my mind is that you don't expect to even earn your salary ... so for me it's money thrown down the toilet anyway ... if you know you can bring $ 10,000 a month, why ask $ 1000 salary instead of the $ 5,000 shared earnings? Or, you don't know how to do this job and therefore you know you can't bring in enough new visits, or SEO just doesn't work? Will it never bring enough visitors to make a serious profit? Can anyone explain to me, please. SEO, how well does it work? And in what times?

by @ms (4463), 4 years ago

If they can bring $10k/mo, I bet they will start their own project and get 100% of the revenue.

The other point of view is, that SEO's need to pay their day-to-day living expenses. You own the business - you should take care of funding and take the risk (if you trust your idea). Pay whatever good SEO costs and make it a win-win deal.

so, Why would anyone prefer a meager salary rather than 50% of potential earnings?

Because salary is a salary, while 50% of $0 = $0. It's your idea & execution - you have all the controls (good and bad). Why do you want anyone to risk their own on it? Doesn't make sense.

Just like with startups; People get their salaries. Equity comes as an eventual bonus...

by @pornupdate (148), 4 years ago

After this answer my impression is even more that "these SEO experts" are sheep ... they want to eat and sleep in a quiet meadow and a guaranteed wage to sleep peacefully.

But it also gives me the impression that they already know before they start their job that they will never even earn their salary money. And so they immediately want a fixed monthly salary, which they will take while it lasts and then run away and leave you with less money in your pocket than when you started, and they go in search of some other unfortunate to give them another salary for another couple of months.

There are also many in my sector, incompetent programmers, who install wordpress, a theme, a few widgets and as soon as the customer asks for a slightly more complex change, they disappear and you never see them again, nor the money you gave them...

When you say "while 50% of $ 0 = $ 0", 50% of $ 100,000 is $ 50,000.

And if you know how to do your job, and you know your job/seo works, there is no logical reason to prefer 1,000 to 50,000.

"If they can bring $ 10k / mo, I bet they will start their own project and get 100% of the revenue."

Do you think it's free? Creating, managing, and updating websites in this industry is 10 times more expensive and takes 10 times more time than regular websites. And it requires serious programming and server management skills, which a seo expert most likely does not have, because he has spent his life studying and working on seo and not programming and not in the adult industry.

We all have our expenses, and we all have to invest in our work, which is why if someone offers you the opportunity to earn 50% of a potential $ 100,000 just doing your job (without having to spend any more money, spend 10 years learning to program, then another 10 to understand how the adult industry works, and then create, manage, and update websites, servers, etc, etc, etc) you should rush to take this opportunity.

If someone said to me: I just want to do SEO, do you take care of websites? I wouldn't waste a second before saying yes. Go as it goes, if you know how to do your job, I'm sure of mine, and I don't want to do it for $ 1,000 if you make $ 99,000.

Someone also told me to learn how to do it myself, just as someone told me: I make my own websites. But doing something well requires skills, acquiring skills takes time. I spend 10 hours a day doing my job as a programmer, another 10 hours for adult sites, and to do SEO well it would probably take me another 10 hours every day to study, learn, try what works and what doesn't, adapt everything to my sites, etc, etc, etc. I'd die before I could do it all by myself. If I had to do it myself I would be comparable to those incompetent programmers who take money and run, an absolute waste of time and poor results.

So, to conclude, please tell me that there are some serious SEO Experts out there who have no doubts about the effectiveness of their work.

by @ms (4463), 4 years ago

I am not gonna argue on this one, just consider following.

There are zillion people on the net having pipe dream about great POTENTIAL business yet no experience with such. They saw a website that works (front side) and think they can do that too. What they see is 1% of the whole machinery at best.

Building a website doesn't mean business. Making it profitable does. What you have at the moment is worth nothing. You're looking for someone who can make it profitable for you, for just 50%.

If it was making $50k and you were looking for someone to push it to $100k for 50% - now that would be generous offer. But what you're offering is nothing at all. No one works for free.

Other way around, just ask yourself; would you do the programming job for someone with an idea for 50% of future profit? I am pretty sure that you would not. And that's about it. You're trying to get yourself into very comfortable and safe position while moving all the risk on your so called partner. And that's not fair (at all).

Anyway, good luck!

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