
Need Your Opinion

by @SamMug (116), 3 weeks ago

Hi there

I hope everyone's doing well.

I have a quick question that If a website has "Write For Us" Page and another website doesn't has any.

Are these websites equal? Even tough they have same stats and main traffic source is from USA.

How does Google sees them?

And why do SEO Executives prefer sites without the write for us page or any other word that show the website is into paid promotions?

Need your opinion on this I already know somethings but hope there is something worth knowing out there.


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by @ms (4169), 2 weeks ago

And why do SEO Executives prefer sites without the write for us page or any other word that show the website is into paid promotions?

Why do you think? I see many SEO blogs/magazines with such option publicly shown and it doesn't seem like it's affecting their rankings. Write for us doesn't necessarily mean paid promotions.

by @youngonce (115), 1 week ago

A well-executed "Write For Us" page can positively impact your website's rankings and will help in Increased Backlinks, Fresh Content and Brand Exposure.

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